Tuesday, October 20, 2009

To Tip or Not to Tip -- That Is the Question for Copenhagen

First error in these thoughts. God revealed He created the earth where He resides of materials there; then He placed them here. That accounts for the old and young earth theory.

He created the world with laws. Leviticus 26 promises rain in due season and abundance for obedience, and terror and curses mentioned as world problems to be solved for disobedience. That is good new; it means there is a solution. We only need to follow God's word.

Tell our president,

Warning-De­cember-One World Gov. Treaty - Copenhagen


Giving USA government into a world government does not solve climate change. The solution is simple. The employment lifestyle creates the world problems: pollution, war, immigration, debt, disease, poverty, financial crises, inequality etc. We can turn to a garden paradise lifestyle with plants and pets that provide fresh food around us. It is a sustainable solution to world problems.

The garden paradise lifestyle is easy, quick, fair and inexpensive. It is God's result and reward for following His wisdom. It ends the confusion of interaction between nations and gives the true freedom, independence and peace we all want.

Marie Devine

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost